Future Flower Fridays

Another wet day so I used it as an opportunity to sort and repot (indoors)many of my house plants, including this tray of Streptocarpus.  None of the plants look very interesting at present but I'm hopeful they will recover  and flower in few months' time.
This evening we had a treat- going to the Anvil  in Basingstoke to a concert given by the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain. The seven members play a very varied range of music from Beethoven's Ode to Joy, through George Formby (of course!), Willie Nelson, to Lady Ga Ga's Born this Way,  Wheatus' Teenage Dirtbag and punk rock, all given the Orchestra's unique and special treatment, and played on a range of different sized instruments  from Tenor uke right down to what they call the "fridge magnet!  It was a highly entertaining evening. They are such accomplished musicians.    

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