
He’s very focused, bless
him. Glockenspiel is front and
centre of all things.

Always fun when an obsession takes control :-/ Leads to the 3am starts when he can’t think of anything else. It’s so sweetly innocent though. He can play Happy Birthday and he’s got some print outs of some other tunes like Mary had a Little Lamb and Old Macdonald. He’s taking it very seriously. He mostly wants to file his music in an expanding file and feel important. He asked for our playtime today to be him giving a concert so he even went and found a jacket to put on and asked me to introduce him! “Tonight we are lucky enough to have the maestro Ben with his talented performance of Happy Birthday! Let’s all put our hands together!!”
Also.. and possibly something I should have led with.. Mr KCNQ2Haiku is home! Huzzah! He’s a bit jet lagged and travel weary but all is well and he’s doggedly stayed awake all day to try and reset himself.. Crazy, I’d have been straight into bed if it were me, in fact.. truth be told, since he’s been back, I’ve already had a little nap, making up for lost time etc!!
Happy Saturday all :-)

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