Air a' bhus

Fun day. I headed over to the Birks Cinema this morning for their monthly Gaelic Cafe. This consisted of a really interesting talk by Seonag Barbour on Teachd an Tìr, one of these phrases where the literal translation (livelihood) doesn't do justice to full meaning which encompasses a community working together on the land in a sustainable manner. It was really interesting & built upon the talk which Seonag gave to our u3a last month. This was then followed by a conversation circle. Most of the others were more advanced than me but I managed to follow the jist. 

I'd got a lift over but the people I went with weren't staying for the conversation so I got the bus back- the first time I'd done so. This involves changing at Ballinluig which turned out to be straightforward. 

This evening we went to a local quiz night and .... drum roll ..... our team won ! 

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