So I went on a photography course...
..and all I have to show for it is a photo of the ceiling light in our front room. And I took this whilst sitting on the sofa with half an eye on Match of the Day. Actually it was a very good one day course that was offered by Surrey Adult Learning at their Centre in Camberley. I went with my daughter as we were keen to learn how to use all the bells and whistles on our new (new to us but good quality second hand models) cameras that we bought recently from London Camera Exchange in Guildford. The tutor, Geoff, was very engaging and avoided using too much jargon . The other 8 people on the course were all very nice and, like us, keen to learn At the end of the course we were sent off around the environs of the Centre to take a series of pictures with the common theme of a colour of our choice. I chose 'blue. Geoff was quite complimentary on viewing the pictures I took and I thought, ah there is today's blip taken care of. Unfortunately, having persuaded us all of the virtues of shooting in Raw (or in the case of the Nikon, NEF) format for best quality results, I found that I could not upload the photos for today's blip as they weren't in JPEG, which I had eschewed for the better quality NEF. And we didn't get on to how one transfers a Raw/NEF image to the JPEG format. So this evening I put the camera into JPEG-Fine mode and used one or two of the other pointers that Geoff gave us and took this photo of a light fitting that my wife and I bought in London nearly 50 years from a shop near Madame Tussaud's and which has moved house with us ever since. It looks like I need to get the Duraglit out to give the balls a bit of a polish, though - I'll get round to it just as soon as I have sorted out this NEF/JPED business.
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