toujours en difficulté mais toujours patient

L’embarras est le coût de l’entrée. 
Si vous ne voulez pas ressembler à un débutant idiot,
 vous ne deviendrez jamais un maître gracieux.

Embarrasment is the cost of entry. 
If you aren't willing to look like a foolish beginner, 
you'll never  become a graceful master. 
- Ed Latimore

STRAVA Day 1007- Indoor yoga photos and video

Bakasana vs Kakasana

Been attempting to improve on asanas by working on drills daily. Stumbled upon a tip in another social media platform that recording one self while learning yoga is recommended. Admittedly,  
it is challenging to have a genuine mindfulness practice whenever we film for later self-critique: self-awareness and body insecurities instead of being overcome could possibly be heightened. 

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