jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Rockets on the drying line

Trying to get all the Creation Station washing up and laundry done and dry enough to use again in the morning is hard!! Plastic balls, paintbrushes, foam splatters, wooden rollers, foam rollers, paint trays, foam floor mats, overalls, stampers, glue spreaders.... somehow there seems to be a heck of a lot of it today! These are some of the overalls the kids wear, and the rockets that Bean and I made today :)

Bean came out to help me this morning so that Steve only had one little one to look after. He did amazingly well, considering. It was a very long morning! He helped upload the car, he chattered away to everybody, engaged with everybody, got involved, got stuck in, painted, created, helped, chattered. It was like a great big insight into how he is at preschool - confident, outgoing, chatty, smiley, happy. The kind of person other people want to be with! Wow. He makes me proud.

(Another moment that really made me smile was being told one of the other children there this morning has started "babywearing" her toy bear, wrapping it up in a scarf around her, and calling it her baby Bear - because "that's where Jeni's Bear goes!")

Bean had had enough by tidy up time and refused to help - so that, and my inability to concentrate, made pack down a LOT longer than usual. But I was still proud of him.

Bear has been nap-resistant today. Usually I can rely on him to nap in the sling with Steve if I'm out in the mornings, but not today... He lasted all morning, and most of the afternoon - finally giving in after getting covered in soil yet again playing outdoors with Bean. Filthy mucky soil-covered child. The boobs finally won the battle against Mr Nap-Resistant though.

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