The boyfriend and the brother

It comes to something when your brother has longer hair than you and your boyfriend has more jewellery than you.

Chris arrived safely, despite a journey that would have depressed a duck with the amount of water he encountered on the way, at around 8.45. This was after a slight 'situation' where despite my clear instructions (21a to MANCHESTER not Liverpool) he got lost by doing the exact thing I told him not to do.

But a lovely evening - he's dry now - clothes are drying, showered, had curry, drinking beer, me on the very nice Shiraz_grenache, and Corin and Chris both laying back on the reclining seats of the sofa.

And James has gone to bed grinning from ear to ear because "Uncle Chris" is here.

Family is great.

And just what I needed after an exceptionally long week.

By the way - can you smell that? Its the smell of the pre-Ofsted fear.!!!!

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