Saved by a squash

Walked Indie before the torrential rain arrived thankfully, as I was meeting Jeanette, a childhood friend for coffee and catch up at Otter garden centre in Torbay. We had a lovely chat, compared notes on elderly Mums, her Mum is 103.
Drove back to Mum's to make her lunch. Yesterday she told me she had'nt eaten an egg for years.... Well, slight exaggeration. She's not, was'nt, a great fan of eggs, but today we rectified that.. Monday's lunch was sausage, egg, homemade chips, & baked beans. She might be losing her memory but fortunately not her appetite.
Back home, I rescued the very soggy laundered bedding from the washing line. Grh!
Just prepped veggies for Mondays meatless meal.
Cornish daffs, vegetable spaghetti on it's side, & Winter squash, both awaiting my attention.
Thanks to stujphoto for hosting Mono Monday this month.

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