Fascinating when I looked
a little closer. Many tadpoles have hatched out, wriggling around in the icy puddle this morning, along with other insects. Another image in extras.
The Devon Wildlife Trust who manage the heath have been swaling, large areas of gorse burnt, stems blackened, encouraging new regrowth. It looks quite ugly but will soon recover.
Mum was busy colouring in this morning, so I tidied a couple of patches of the garden then did a repair job on Mum's patchwork bedspread.
Went to meet Frankie, Jan's 10week old Boxer puppy this afternoon. (Pic in extras) We sat out on the deck enjoying the glorious sunshine. Frankie is gorgeous, lots of energy, & sharp teeth.
Down to - 1, - 2deg overnight but another day of sunshine tomorrow according to the weather forecast. Better make the most of it before the rain returns.
Thanks to jensphotos for hosting.
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