A few souvenirs

A few things I bought on my trip to Norway and Sweden! I do like to buy a few mementoes after each trip. However so many of the things in tourist shops you would have no use for back home.
I wanted magnets of the flags for the grand children but these were very hard to find…all the magnets were of the towns and northern lights etc.
I liked the socks and got a pair for myself and my daughter. I thought they were reindeers but actually all the souvenirs had moose on them!
Hopefully the magic cube is easier to do than a Rubics cube as it is only 3 x 3 not 4 x 4. I bought several of these.  See extra too. It seems that the Swedish people are very fond of liquorice …lots of types at the airport. So bought some little sweets to try.

Nice to see blue sky this morning but it got dismal later, and colder.

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