Mono Monday : : Spheres

When we moved here we picked a day in the middle of quite an epic storm to drive back to Berkeley for one last trip to pick up items from the garage and the garden. There were three of these spheres of different sizes and although there isn't much point to them I always liked them so we threw them into the car. When we got back to Santa Rosa these were unloaded from the car to the nearest flat spot until we had time to consider a more exact placement. And there they have remained to this day. We never really liked the basalt columns, one of which has water trickling down the side and the spheres seemed to provide an interesting contrast. The columns have grown on us as the birds love them and whether due to inertia or something else, the spheres have remained in situ

The weather continues to be very cold and dreary. The roads into Tahoe continue to be closed and the snow continues to fall. Here it's just a drizzle but doesn't inspire much of a desire to go outside. Starting the day with ice on my knee meant starting the day cold and truth be told somewhat miserable. I was tempted to stay in bed, but there were exercises to be done, so I got up, did them and put ice on my knee. I never really did warm up after that, so I have capitulated and gotten back under the duvet. Sleep is stille elusive so I think I will take a nap....

Thanks to stujphoto for hosting Mono Monday this month.

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