
By Wildwood

Hemmin' & Hauling

We were walking along the Brush Creek path today when John spotted this truck parked behind a warehouse which is being built. I like the name, but there is also something about the color block aspect of the shot that I like.

A new mailbox has appeared in the place of the old one. It is on a fairly slender black post, but it is installed off-center on the original concrete slab. It has a smaller profile but the actual box sticks out into the road just as much. It's not quite as bombproof as the old brick one, so it's probably less likely to get hit but also more likely to fall down if it is. 

I've returned to the four year old knitting project and spent a good part of the afternoon figuring out where I was when I left off. Since I'm not really following the original pattern and didn't make any notes about what I was doing, I'm having to sort of reinvent it! I only have the sleeves to go and they will probably be short ones or I'll run out of yarn....

Other than that, we're planning what to do to avoid listening to the state of the union message tonight. Reading the analysis after the fact will be about all I can handle! We already have a pretty good idea of the state of the union but I'm sure it won't be the one that is presented. At least the Democrats will probably feel obliged to show up, so we'll know that they're still alive! I might have to watch with the sound turned off just for that.

It has been cloudy and chilly today, but the predicted showers have yet to materialize. 

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