Feeding the children

A return to the usual damp weather today! I met up with a friend and we walked down to the Corran Halls to the monthly meeting of Oban u3a - it wasn't quite drizzling, but there was definitely moisture in the air!
u3a monthly meetings are a way of getting members of all the groups together for a blether and a cuppa, and over the winter a speaker is usually invited. This month it was a talk on the charity Mary's Meals, which began life in Argyll in 2002. Now they provide food for nearly 2.5 million children of primary school age in 18 countries, giving each one a  meal a day at school, as this is often the only way of getting the children to school. There are apparently 67 million children of primary school age around the world who are often too hungry to attend school. A very impressive charity, who is able to use 93% of their income to feed the children. One of the most telling stories concerned a 14 year old boy in Malawi, who when asked what his dream was in life, replied  “I want to have enough food to eat and to go to school one day." If you want to know more, have a look at https://www.marysmeals.org.uk/

I walked home for lunch and then at 1.30 set off to walk to the other side of town to the house where the leader of the Poetry Group lives. This meant walking right down to the harbour, then right back up to the hill on the other side! I misjudged to time it would take to walk, thinking that 30 minutes would be enough, but if I hadn't been picked up by a passing friend I would have been rather late!

A fun afternoon reading our selection of poems on the theme of 'Loving & Losing', after which we read other poems and I read a few of my limericks! Nothing like lowering the tone!

By this time it was drizzling quite seriously - this is a picture from the window. It was just as well that I got a lift home! Next month's theme will be 'City Life'.

Quote of the Day "Met a guy this morning with a glass eye. He didn't tell me - it just came out in the conversation!" - Jerry Dennis.

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