The great wall of Oban

After such a damp and misty day yesterday I was surprised to find a bright starry sky later on! I could almost feel frost in the air, but this morning I saw that the temperature overnight had not dropped below +3.3. Rather odd.

I drove down to Homebase this morning to buy a few more bulbs and  bedding plants for the tubs and pots around the front door and on the deck - pansies, violas, another dwarf daffodil variety and some crocuses.  I was rather amused to see that somebody had tried to take a short cut our of their parking bay - I can imagine that moment when they realised that they were going to knock the wall down and it was too late to stop! Grrr!

I intended to plant the new purchases this afternoon, but it took me all my time to clean out the old plants and tidy up the deck - mud, leaves and weeds! A job for tomorrow then.

Tonight it's an Open Night at the Photo Club - we do this once a year. This evening we have Jamie MacGregor from Dunollie coming to talk about the estate - the history, the family and whatever else. I doubt if we'll get many of the public in - we rarely do - and don't have much space anyway, but it should be an interesting evening.

Random quote of the Day - "The meek shall inherit the earth, but not the mineral rights!" - John Paul Getty.

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