We Would Appear To Have Tenants.

When Squirrel arrived this morning I nearly gave her a heart attack.
I had just finished hanging out the washing as she was dropped off .... so I jumped out and said BOO.
Well, I thought it was funny.

She soon cheered up when I offered her a green smoothy (banana, pineapple, grapes ... and spinach). It sounds weird, but it tastes good.
Before she left she asked what kind of bird the blue and yellow one was at the nesting box. Obviously it is well fed as it seemed to be widening the hole to accommodate its shoulders. 
I was wondering why it didn't just use the next box which has a slightly wider hole, but it turns out there was a female already in there who was passing out the rubbish for him to get rid of.
My pictures weren't great - but I have now adjusted the camera settings and cleaned the windows, so hopefully I will manage a couple of better ones soon.

SWMBO was out having her 2nd dental appointment. She is costing the household a small fortune.

There was a bit of turning done, but neither piece quite went to plan...but it was a learning experience.

The shot in the extras is the bow Squirrel was wearing to school today - a bit more elaborate than the usual rubber band thingy.

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