Parking Like A Tw*t.....

No heart attack Squirrel this morning.
She was happy with that.

SWMBO and I had our occasional lunch meeting at The Larder today.
I mentioned the lack of calls for pick-ups I have had recently. It turns out that the woman in charge of that has been asking for confirmation of what the stores are donating when she gets the e-mail and has been declining a lot of them due to the stupidly small amounts (like 2 packets of biscuits from a major store) and has consequently been saving the charity quite a bit of money in mileage costs.
We were also given a quick lesson in how to use the on-line system for tracking the route/mileage system and found out how we can get it to take a true mileage when roads are shut, diversions are in place etc (of which there will be a lot more while the council cuts down thousands of trees (their word...not mine).

Afterwards we made a slight detour to pick up a couple of things from the shops.
That was where we encountered this utter moron and his vehicle abandonment.
It has been driven up the dropped kerb and left on the pedestrian crossing point.
I was in the process of writing a note to put on the windscreen when the Twa*t and his concubine returned ... so I finished it and hand delivered it to him. I have no idea what his mouthy bint was trying to shout at me but his excuse was his boot was full and he needed to be able to open the rear doors to put his shopping in. He wasn't impressed when I pointed that there were hardly any cars in the car park and you could park a lorry sideways across most of the clear areas. His number plate made me laugh .... he obviously couldn't afford the BMW he wanted -- although he certainly has the (lack of) parking skills for it.

A couple of things were made at the lathe in the afternoon.

I am now away to find the Face-ache site that is screaming out to have Tw*t posted on it as a 'name and shame'.

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