Gool Peran Lowen

Happy St Piran's Day
A montage of my day.
It started so well the sun was shining with a gentle breeze, washing on the line and a good dog walk in the woods.
Bit of necessary shopping, mainly dog food then late afternoon went to Siblyback lake to join a few friends for a run around the lake with our dogs.
It was absolutely gorgeous and I started to let Dina pull me at full speed when I suddenly hit the floor and skidded along.
I had caught my toe on an exposed rock, (friends think the recent rain had exposed more of the stones), and my momentum did the rest
My dear friends got me up, one of them took Dina and gave her a good run around the lake. Then made sure I was ok to drive home, with follow up texts.
Looks like I have 3 knees it's so swollen and my wrist and ribs are bruised and sore.

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