Netwalking ...... in person

This morning I got up at 6 am to be stand by for Neil in case he needed a lift to the airport.
Luckily the Uber showed up and I had some more time before the netwalking.
I was paired with Sharon and we met in Kelvingrove Park  then had a cheeky coffee at the Off Shore.
I was back home at 11 for my call with Iska.
Next week I am going to Aberdeen to shoot each other.

It will be amazing as we will be house sitting at her horsey friend - including looking after 4 horse, 2 dogs and some cats.
It feels like going on a holiday!

Amplify came directly after than - then I needed a break annd went for a coffee to William.
I fet called to walk into Opal Moon - no idea why.
I walked out with an amazing Oracle Card Deck - and the card I drew answered everything .......
I finally started editing Lou at 6 pm-ish and was done by 10 pm.

DInner, bed ....

Blipping a wonky selfie of Sharon and I

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