Pamper Day

Today was hair and manicure spas.  We had to get to Subang Jaya by 10 and all the thinking was it would take ages to get a Grab and the traffic would be bad.  In the event, the Grab took 5 minutes to arrive (and got there before we got to the Guard House), there was no traffic and the driver drove really fast. We arrived at 9.35.  Luckily Oon was up!

Olivia went first and then Amelia, who up till now had been adamant she wanted to keep her long hair, decided she'd go short too.  Actually it really suits her.  I was last.  Tidy up of the hair and then a return dark hair from the bleached blonde I've been for about 3 weeks now.

We'd admired the new kitchen and then had a quick look at the new one next door in number 3 sister's house.  Decided to go to Sunway Pyramid to get girls new slippers (the local word for flip flops) and lunch.  That was 'bottomless pizza' at Gordon Ramsay Street Pizza.  We didn't finish but Amelia got for free, still being 6 and under, till Friday!  Then they had frozen yoghourt before a look at Daiso.  I bought Amelia a very cheap alarm clock!

Then home in a Grab that seemed to lose its GPS and we went a very convoluted route around Pantai, big houses!  Got home just after 3, as the rain started.  #1 son gave us a lift up to Plaza Damas just at the wrong time as the parental traffic from Gardens was blocking the route, but we did make it.

Then an hour at Jac and Ivy.  The girls had the Kids' Spa and I had the mani/pedi. After that we went to Wen's office for the lift home.  S was then but we'll see more of her on Sunday.  It was really heavy rain and a lot of lying water.  Wen didn't think we'd get a take out delivery so we went to 163 for rice and noodles from Wok Hey. I had my usual, though I struggled slightly to eat it, so tired.  We watched the Scottish edition of 'Someone Feed Phil'.  A lot of food was consumed!

I went home after that.  Many conversations at present about the AC and a technician's visit.  It's not my priority. Somehow I managed to faff around (sorting accounts, mine and others) for ages before I finally managed to flop into bed. 

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