Tiny owl
It remained warm today, but the morning was showery, and the afternoon downright wet! We both went downtown to Music Live at Lunch at Christ Church cathedral - string quartet today. We do miss Shiloh, the former Assistant Music director who was responsible for the event, and was always there at the outer door, welcoming people with a warm greeting and a big smile. He would introduce whoever was performing, and then be there at the end, taking your tray and thanking you for coming. He had such a great character and sense of humor. He left a few weeks ago, to take up the music Director position at the episcopal cathedral in Cleveland.
They haven’t appointed a replacement yet, so they have a volunteer from the congregation to welcome, and the then the director comes to introduce the program - but he doesn’t have the same character as Shiloh! However we wish him well in his new position.
Since the afternoon was so wet, I decided to stay home in the dry, and do some jobs, read and play the piano.
The day wasn’t very conducive to photographs, so for Tiny Tuesday I’m blipping a tiny owl that sits Mona windowsill in Laura’s room. Thanks to PinkHairedLady for hosting this month.
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