Seed head after the rain.

I had the dental appointment to pull the broken teeth from my memorial day tripping over my own feet crash before the bone around them decayed anymore. I spent 4 hours there and came out less 2 front teeth, and the addition of a temporary cap and temporary bridge. The dentist and her staff were great. I was terrified before hand but the dentist was super at pain control and all the bad stuff is over now. I took the pictures before the dentist when I was to freaked out to due much but stumble around with a camera. I think the seed head is from a sedge.

Today I began my great project for my son's wedding. I did the same thing for my daughter, which is to throw tea bowls (chawen) out of mixed colors of clay and then glaze them. We used them for the toast at Sally's wedding and then the guests took them home as gifts. I made 200 for her wedding. Each one was unique but they did have a general color scheme of white to cream outside and the inside creamy with color splashes of blue and green. I am pretty sure we will need fewer for this wedding because they want a small wedding. I am so excited that Anne and Geoff agreed to let me do this. I still need for them to tell me the planned colors for the wedding.

Today, I am grateful for the day I was given, 4 hours in the dentist chair without loads of pain, remembering how to throw pots after a hiatus of at least 5 months, sweet clay, and friends.

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