Darnau o'r hen Eglwys Newydd

Darnau o'r hen Eglwys Newydd ~ Fragments of Old Whitchurch

“Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but beautiful old people are works of art.”
― Eleanor Roosevelt

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Roedd rhaid i mi fynd i’r pentref heddiw i wneud tipyn bach o siopa. Roeddwn i gyflym iawn (i fi), yna ac yn ôl mewn llai nag awr. Ar y ffordd adre stopiais i (yn fyr) i dynnu ffotograff o’r mwsogl ar hen wâl. Mae yn y wâl sydd rhedeg ar hyd y nant ac rydw i’n meddwl ei fod darn o’r hen Eglwys Newydd, heb newid dros y blynyddoedd.  Rydw i’n ffeindio’r lleoedd bach fel hwn yn eithaf teimladwy fel maen nhw ddiflannu yn raddol.

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I had to go to the village today to do a little shopping. I was very fast (for me), there and back in less than an hour. On the way home I stopped (briefly) to take a photograph of the moss on an old wall. It is in the wall that runs along the stream and I think it is a piece of old Whitchurch, unchanged over the years. I find the little places like this quite touching as they gradually disappear.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Mwsogl ar wal
Description (English): Moss on a wall

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