What a great day.  Two mini blip meets, one accidental one arranged!!

We were going to get to Buttermere by 9.00 am but I slept so well last night that we didn't get there until 9.30am!!  

A beautiful very bright blue sky sort of day.  Actually no good for photography really, but I still managed to get some reasonable shots.

We drove alongside Crummock Water and parked at the Buttermere National Car Park - boy is it expensive, we will just have to join again I think.  When we arrived there were only two other cars in the car park.  It took us all of 20 minutes to get there!!!

I couldn't quite remember the way we went last time we were here, oh over 12 years ago now but we ended walking through Sykes Farm on down to the lake onto the beach to take a photo of "the Tree" (see extras).  Sadly the sun was so bright and so in the wrong place that I had to make it a silhouetted shot and give make a sunburst.  We then walked on up the right hand side of the lake for quite a while.  Taking it steady due to Hubby's foot.  All so lovely.

On the way back just after we had stopped to take the photo of me in extras we bumped into fellow blipper Marpaul and Misty (see extras).  The sun was so bright  that I couldn't really see them and I would have walked past, thank heavens that Marpaul recognised Hubby from the recent photos so said hello.  So I met the adorable Misty again.  She was a bit nervous, largely due to my very large camera I think, but we still met.  Had a nice chat with her.  Then left her and Misty to their walk as Misty was being so patient but we didn't want to stop her enjoying her walk, whilst we went back to Sykes Farm, for a coffee.  

Well when we got in there they said do you want lunch, it was only 11.30 but we thought why not, they had homemade lamb hotpot with dumplings so we had one each of these - they were delicious and very filling. 

It was then that Hubby realised he had lost the key to our self catering bungalow - eek.  So we decided to go straight back to Graysonside and 'fess up.  

When we got back to the car park there queues waiting for spaces.  It was reasonably quiet when we arrived but by lunch time it was heaving.  Not surprising really with such a glorious day.  

We got back to Grayson side with no problem and they were soooo good.  Apparently we are not the first person to have lost keys, although we have never done it before!! 

It also turns out that Janette (the owner) had changed our towels, replenished the toiletries, chocolates and toilet paper - how amazing is that - we've only been here two days!!  She is so friendly as well.

I then edited a few photos for blipping purposes and then went back into Cockermouth to meet up with Biblinros and Trevearthy.  We found the cafe OK so decided to pop into this really lovely old hardware store where there is a free mini museum at the back.  Crammed full of old tools of all descriptions, including two of the typewriters that I learned to type on!!!

Then we got back to Fika (the name of the cafe) and just as we got there Trev and Ros arrived too. We had a lovely coffee and cake and then they kindly took us on a little walk along the river so we could see Cockermouth Castle (see extras) - another box ticked for this trip.

Now back at Graysonside and editing photos but I think I will catch up with all of you first. 

The lovely end to a lovely day.

Hopefully will be going to Silloth and the Solway Coast tomorrow.

Do take care and stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow.

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