It was " injection day " today so I did them first thing as soon as I got up.  After breakfast I pottered around at home and then decided to get the bus to Gateshead.

I timed my journey all wrong as the bus was packed when it arrived - full of children from the local comprehensive school.  Someone got off the bus before I got on so I was able to sit in their vacant seat.  After that everyone had to stand.

Gateshead wasn't too busy and I needed a shot with people in it for the Wide Wednesday challenge.  So I hung around in Trinity Square near Tesco until there were a few people wandering into shot. Thanks to BobsBlips for hosting.  ( The metal circle is called Halo.  It was unveiled in 2014 and is made of inflated stainless steel.)

I went into Tesco to do my shopping.  The main thing I wanted was out of stock... annoying.  I did get some other items so it wasn't a completely wasted journey.

The weather today was dull and grey.  But it didn't rain which was a bonus.

Steps today - 5,090

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