Too Many Shades..

..of Gray! 

Today the grayness returned. The sun did not appear -  not once. The sky was overcast, the light was flat, and down by the lake, a brisk wind made you wish you had not worn your spring coat... a reminder that it is NOT spring...

My sister is still here and we had hoped for weather more amenable to walking or going on an outing, but instead, the day consisted of my dental appointment, phone calls from a  brother reporting every move his new cat made or did not make...heh heh..and some errands to get groceries, a new library book and to drop off a lost hat to a friend...Fun wow...

Still, we did take a little jaunt down to the lake in case there was even a hint of colour near sunset..but nada.  Hence the main photo..cold, gray and somewhat flat.

At last, after a few backblips, I am caught up with my postings..Now to STAY caught up...that is the challenge! 

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