Switching to Spring...

in home decor that is..in hope of spring! 

My sister left to go home this morning; after having a full house for a bit, it seems awfully quiet now. It was a beautiful day  - mild and sunny - so it seemed an appropriate time to lighten up the living room...

First step? Switch the quilt on the wall...Out with the red and in with the pastels.(extra) Then...out with the winter wreath over the fireplace and in with the Easter egg one...am still pondering toss cushions....but by that time, I needed a Recovery From House Guests nap...and there went the rest of the day! 

My sister has arrived home safely..it is a long drive north and weather can be an issue; they still have snow up there, but all went well. My brother is home safely too, his attention focused on his new cat..who is now named Yuki .....I await tales of new cat antics...but so far, all is good there too.

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