More door furniture; Claddagh Ring

Another big day and off to Bandon for a morning workshop. It went very well indeed. Bandon library is ultra modern and we were placed in a comfortable room with a massive Promethean screen. A dozen people rocked up, all very pleasant and chatty and enthusiastic and the two hours sped by. We discussed blessed eels, the Surfeit Well (good if you have over-indulged), piseogs (superstitions), saintly apparitions, wart wells (including the one the boys peed in - this had two more cures notched up) and swimming cattle across holy lakes. We were only slightly competing with the Gramophone Club next door - I noted they had tea and biscuits. 
Now we just need the funding for the project! 

Bandon is an interesting place with a slightly dilapidated Georgian air and some fine door knockers!  This one is based on the Claddagh ring, a very popular for finger ring, as it represents love (heart) , friendship (two hands)  and loyalty (crown). 
How you wear one on your hand hints at all sorts of meaning:
worn on the left hand with the heart facing inward means you are married  
on left hand with the heart facing outward shows you are engaged 
on right hand with the heart facing outward, your hear tis still open!  
on the right with the heart facing inward you’re in a committed relationship. 
And traditionally someone ought to buy one for you. Now you know!

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