
The view as I move from Gateway to Hijauan.  I thought the guard (think it was Prem) looked rather fetching in his yellow wellies. The extra is the rather scary view from my floor 29 bedroom window of that same spot, windows which open.

Got caught up in doing my business accounts when I woke up and then found I've lost a file with access info.  Very frustrating.

It was very hot and humid today.  The girls didn't want to swim in the morning so I continued my earlier tasks.  Olivia had street dance in the afternoon and the plan was for Amelia and I to swim then but we fell out (think we were both hot and tired) and she went to school with her Dad and Olivia and I went home and had a swim until it clouded over and I started packing.  

That done I finished with Cecelia Ahearne, while it rained outside, and went back to HK for a short while.  Wen came home with Olivia and I left to go up to 1MK and 163.  I'm in last minute shopping mode.  Then to Uroot for my last massage of the trip.  It was nearly 2 hours and every bit of me has had a workout. The second spell of rain had ended by the time I came out at 8.30 and walked home to eat chicken leftovers and watch the end of the Harlen Coben.  There is a theme here.

Really mixed emotions now but I have to go home though already planning Feb 2025. 

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