
Oh what a day! 
It started OK. The sun was shining . M was waiting for a delivery so Fletch and I went for a walk up towards the sea wall. The sun was warm but there was an Icy wind.
Back home the garage shelving units had arrived.. which is basically a box with a LOT of bits to fasten together.
A fun job for tomorrow 

I then went to the opticians as they'd phoned to say they'd ordered in a few frames for me to try. I've been.looking for new frames but most seem so huge, more like goggles.

I wasn't expecting much  but there were a pair that I quite liked and not too big. They've put them to one side till I have my sight test. 

I got M to take a few photos as I can't really see what they're like as I am so shortsighted. 
 It didn't help to see that the quality of the photo showed the glasses very clearly and also every wrinkle  !   Do I really look that old?
 One advantage of being shortsighted is most times when I look in the mirror Im in soft focus !

Back home for another walk with Fletch and then tea. And then part of my tooth broke away! 
It's the same one that was repaired a couple of years ago and my tooth has been catching on a bit that didn't feel right and it obviously wasnt. Now another bit has  broken away.  Another reminder of old age .

.I'll be  up in good time to phone the dentist tomorrow . Fingers crossed I can get an emergency appointment. 

Fed up. A glass of wine is a necessity this evening. 

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