
I didnt sleep well last night..and when I did I was dreaming of teeth.
 I got up ready to phone the dentist at 8am and they were able to fit me in at 10:30 . The joy's of a private dentist
I managed to find a parking place and got to see Steve. He has put in a temporary filling till I can get a full one hour appointment. 
He really is such a kind understanding dentist but I still find the whole thing stressful. I always feel like I'm about to choke. 
The proper work to rebuild the broken side is March 19th. I shall have to be careful what I eat until then. 

I strolled down the Ginnel into the main street to nip into Boots ( none left in Barrow,) before nipping home. 
Took a pic of Floral and Hardy's latest display . I love the play on words. Ulverston is proud of its connection to Laurel and Hardy.
Extra is of the Ginnel. A rather down at heel way but someone made the effort some while ago with the homemade bunting.Now rather faded.. but it's the thought that counts

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