Young Farmers show...

An early start this morning to get everything fed,then loaded up the 6 heifers for the mart. A wee bit of excitement as one got past a gate and away up the yard, but eventually got het back with her mates and onto the trailer.
Headed off down the road with my terrier copilot leaving the other one in his cage.
The young farmers were having their show and sale of over wintered calves. They buy them in the autumn then winter them before re selling.
My trailer load behaved themselves in the ring ( always a bonus) and sold for £1430. Sounds ok,but by the time you take off the 4% commission that works out at £57 each off,plus a bit of luck money to the buyer and my time and diesel to haul them they aren't quite as good . Still ,hopefully better than some years, and I got my roast beef dinner in the canteen.
Back home to bag up feed for tomorrow,then a quick change and off to the dentist for a filling. Why do dentists insist in asking you things after they have jagged your gums and have a drill in your mouth. No chance of answering them, is there !
Back home by 6 pm to finish up feeding,so another 8 pm tea time tonight
Ho hum

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