Kaizers Orchestra Concert

Kaizers Orchestra is a Norwegian rock band "with a difference". They're not all that well known in the UK but our sons 2&3 have been ardent fans for many years. Inevitably my Editor and I got caught up in this, so in 2008 we joined our sons to see them perform in Copenhagen, then in Oslo in 2013 - and in London the same year. The sons went to Stavanger in September 2013 for their farewell tour as the band broke up - and again last September when they got back together again! We were delighted when they announced a gig in London today, so the four of us have just enjoyed their concert here this evening.

They always give an amazing, rather theatrical performance. One of their trademarks is the use of large oil drums as percussion instruments as you can see in this photo (sorry it's a rather grainy phone photo). They also use car wheels for percussion. The pump organist always wears a gas mask for a lot of the set list - ?why - because he can, I suppose? (See the extra.) If I have time a Google album may be created at some stage.

They're great fun. If you want to listen to them, search them on Youtube - here's an example: For more info go to Kaizers.no. And no, I'm not on commission!

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