A first

I can't think that I have ever actually posted a flower on Flower Friday before. I so infrequently blip flowers, as they are just not my thing, and on the odd occasion that I have had reason to do so, it has not been a Friday.

So today is the day!!
And I have a good reason for this blip. When we left for Cornwall, this Amaryllis was just about to open up and I did not want to leave it all alone in the house, so handed it over to a neighbour. I knew it would be in  safe hands (safer than mine!) as she is a wonderful gardener. 

And so it proved. This afternoon she arrived bearing this fabulous plant - two beautiful flowers and more to come. I have always previously got red Amaryllis and we had a lovely one flowering over Christmas, but now I think I prefer the white. I love this. I hope I can take over its care without any problems. 

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