What a wonderful day! Waking up to sunshine is wonderful after months of winter darkness. That said, it was also 2 degrees so respect to this paddle boarder…

I had two marvellous encounters today and I’m writing about them for my own memories. 

Before work I ran into the woman I gave a massage to a week or so ago - the first full massage I gave since March 2020. I was a little nervous but she said the massage was the best thing that had ever happened to her (to which I replied “steady on!”). She was able to run again without pain. Hurrah!!

After work, I ran into an old friend who I saw when I was in town in January. At that time she was having a hard time painting in her studio and wanted to move an easel into her home. I helped her carry it home which was an easy task because we shared the load and the sun was shining. When I ran into her today, she was on her way to the post office to post a painting she had sold. She said she hadn’t stopped painting since that day in January and it was all thanks to me. Again, I said all I did was carry an easel. 

I felt really buoyed up by both encounters! I thought it was funny that neither had happened at work - policy takes forever to make a real effect. And then I thought how little it takes to have a positive impact on someone else’s life. These are things we can all do every day. 

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