Glitter on the Mattress

I think we are nearing the end of the work 

One auditor has gone off sick.   Another has stepped up 

I had three meetings today 

One was a pre meeting for the next meeting and I quite enjoyed it. 

The big meeting in after noon. I muted my microphone and watched the attendees vying for supremacy.  

 I watched also as people who had been told to keep it quiet couldn't help but jump in... It was fine- the look on everyone's face said it all

At one point the second most important person in the room said 'whilst we have the Brains of the Company on line here. Can we take this opportunity for questions?  ... And by the Brains I mean Dogwithnobrain 

(He used my work name of course)

And so it went on:  men vying for attention. The ladies sitting back, smug in the knowledge that we do actually pull the strings.  

And the best men acknowledge that 


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