But it won't change my mind

Very lazy day today 

Himself woke at 630 for the loo and told me to go back to sleep and I did 

I woke at 845 and went downstairs for coffee and Spanish 

Eventually we got ourselves together and headed to the allotment 

It was freezing. Temperature was reading 7 but it felt freezing 

Himself had dug up a tree on Friday. Our pear tree. We decided it might do better at home. He said ' we'll take it home in the car' 

This tree was at least three foot high and twelve foot long. We were training it along a fence 

We.looked at it sitting next to the car. 

Not a chance 

So we trimmed at least three foot off both ends. And bent the upward branches in and managed to manoeuvre it in

Yesterday himself helped.one of the other committee members lift and shift four pallets of compost.  His arms were still a bit wobbly today. 

Then it was home; cup of tea and a shower 

Then it was off for the shopping -  I told him we had to have a walk round the town first.  Then I had to explain half way round that having a walk round the town meant stopping to let me look in windows. 

He didn't even get when I said ' I really love that wax burner'.  Oh. He said. And walked.on 

When we got home I had to have a nap.   

And that took me til dinner time 

While I sat and waited to be served I noticed my flower press and opened it to check the paper round the two flowers inside 

Look how beautifully the gerbera came out.  

It's beautiful 

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