The rest of forever...

By DrMac

New Chapters

So my blip journal started titled, "For Paul" and subsequently changed to, "Captures for Kathmandu". But as I type this entry, you are sat in the Exec Lounge at Doha Airport and in fourteen hours we will be together at Newark Northgate Station. Never again will I wave you off at the station or airport for lengthy periods apart. Sure, we still have our weekly or fortnightly commutes, but life is embarking on a new chapter. And so, blip needs to change too.

I've realised that on some days I've grown tired and despondent and my blip entries have become less interesting and more like a list of daily achievements. This feels like a natural time to make some changes. I don't want to stop blipping, but realise that I want to change how I blip.

I couldn't decide what to call my journal but you made a comment the other day that touched my heart like you will never know. So, from this day forwards, the journal is re-named. It is a celebration of a single occurrence every day, a single thing to celebrate "the rest of forever", together.

I love you.
One more sleep.
Safe travels.

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