Tugging Along

A two and half hour TA shift today with JG.  First up was Bradley Woods, a small swamp forest on the far west side.  It was very soupy so we stayed mostly on asphalt trails.  Lots of turtles were out sunning on logs in the pond.  I hope they protect themselves before the snow arrives on Sunday.

Then over to Huntington Beach where we hiked through the hilly woods down to Lake Erie. The tug boat above pushed a bulldozer (?) and a load of huge rocks along the lake.  We met a lady on a breakwall who showed us the Leland or Leelanau Blue Stones she was collecting from the shore.  They come over 400 miles away from an old iron company on Lake Superior in Michigan.  JG and I combed the beach for them and sea glass, and found some of both, along with dead fish, live ladybugs, broken shells, and lots of miscellanea (i.e. small bits of trash).  A park employee was collecting the large pieces of driftwood using a huge machine and trailor.  It was a fun day.   We racked up over 11,000 steps and climbed the equivalent of 11 flights of stairs according to my phone.  

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