Ratty Racoon

This guy was headed down the neighbor’s driveway this morning, and he was a sad little thing indeed: moving slowly, messy oily fur, slouchy gait. I’m thinking he was sick—you don’t usually see a raccoon in broad daylight. And I wonder if someone is putting out poison, since we saw a fairly deranged gopher in the yard yesterday. 

It was a beautiful sunny day, finally, and just in time for our granddaughter’s wedding rehearsal. The family gathered at the outdoor venue to go over a few basics, and then continued to a nearby park for pizza. It was fun to meet all the new relatives, although I truly need a chart to get it all straight. Tomorrow’s the big day, and I hope to get some photos, since I didnt get any this afternoon, which is why you have to settle for a rabid raccoon instead of the lovely prospective bride…

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