RPS Yorkshire Region AGM 9/3/24

Our Contemporary North group was well represented at the Yorkshire AGM yesterday.  Mary always gets through the AGM in 10/15. minutes (the shortest AGM I ever attend) and then the rest of the day is available for speakers and catching up and looking at any displays.  Thanks to Sally who took our group photo and also to Nick who also took a couple of  images for us - I choose Sally's because she captured the wider view of our display.

Not the best afternoon for me and I came over very tired and wobbly legged.  (A worry as I was driving.). I was going to sit in the car, but once I got outside I decided the fresh air was probably better for me (Not sure how fresh it really was next to that busy road), so I had a slightly wobbly  walk as far as Sandal cricket club grounds.  I didn't go back into the talks and by the time we packed up I was feeling much better and able to drive.  (Still worrying - doctors appointment tomorrow.  

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