
By Viewpoint

Worsbrough Dam Reservoir - Sunday

Sunday was such an amazing day warm and spring like.  I’d been talking to Lyn in the morning and she inspired me to get the Samsung phone out and go and play.  She’d been with a friend to Redcar and had been using her Samsung phone ( a few of us bought them following a discussion broadcast by Doug Chinnery and Valda Bailey) and I’d begun to think I’d made a mistake and that I couldn’t learn any new technology while my brain was in the state it was in.  I was wrong and I was pleased I’d taken the Samsung with me.  The idea is to use the Samsung as a camera and not as a phone and to keep the mobile connection on my iPhone.  I’m not sure how this will work out.

So I played with in-camera multiple  exposures of the fisherman’s platform, and the birds who’d come to the feeding spot, most of which I’ve subsequently deleted. I’ve put one that I took in extra. It’s a 3 image multiple overlaid in camera, which I’ve cropped and edited in Lightroom to give the blue tone.

I moved my place to just round the corner and took the main image with my iPhone 13 into the light, which was gorgeous.

I’ve missed a few entries in the last week though I’ve also been keeping a health diary and I haven’t been able to keep it all running, given that at the moment I seem to have quite a bit of ‘off’ time.  I’ve got a phone appointment with the consultant on Thursday afternoon which is unfortunately before the one with the Parkinson’s nurse.  I need to use my more compos mentis moments to write an email to them. 

I haven’t visited Worsbrough for months so it was lovely to be there in the sun, and there were lots of families enjoying the sun too.

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