A Work In Progress

Well this is the model….so far.

I did give the top half of the wings and fuselage a light coat of primer yesterday..but the rain today has put paid to plans to do the rest.. I have to be outside to spray because of the fumes from the spray can!

So I have been painting small parts today..including the engine internals and propellers, which I have dry assembled on one of the nacelles for this blip. The masking tape is to protect parts that I have already painted..like all the cockpit and the undercarriage. The little windows along the side are ‘masked’ with a rubber solution to keep them clean..although while reading up about paint on real planes, it seems that it was not unknown for the windows to be painted over in the fuselage camouflage colours..a security ‘feature’ so that no light spilled outside in the dark! Some of the later versions of the planes had no fuselage windows at all.

My model is sitting on an upturned rotating storage container…which was originally intended to go in our fridge. It is useful to be able to rotate the model without holding it to try and even out the spray coverage!

You may be able to tell that I haven’t been out for a walk today!

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