In a Daffodilish Mood

After not going to the Ohmbachsee in months I went there the second time in two weeks, hoping to see some of the daffodils in bloom. They are planted all around the little lake and I seem to miss their time every year. Today I saw some.

On the path around the little lake I noticed ripped out flowers, way too many to blaim it to a child before the parents stepped in (hopefully). I don't know what's the fun about destroying things others appreciate so much this time of the year. I took one home that looked like it might survive and wasn't crushed. Perhaps a blip for another day this week.

And then I saw the daffodil sacrifice for the spring ghosts above the Kneipp water basin.  Hmmm, don't know what to think about that now. They did look good with their daffodils, much better than my extra can show you.
The best thing: there was water in the basin and it looked fairly clean (just cleaned for the season?) - time to dress approbiate and go back despite the weather and do my rounds.....can't wait. Soon, very soon. 

19:00; 10°C

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