Video Killed The Radio Star

I am very much behind the curve as regards technology. I started buying CDs around the same time the iPod came out. And have stuck with them ever since, even restricting the age of car I have as I wanted one with a CD player. And I have only just bought a Blu Ray player, and that was only because what I wanted to watch did not come in DVD format. Actually, now I come to think about it, I took to DVDs quite early on as they had none of the drawbacks associated with VHS tapes, and took up far less space. Couldn’t afford a DVD recorder though, so had to wait until I got a HDD recorder before ditching the video recorder. But, as you can see, I’ve still got it as there are some things I recorded which have never appeared in any other format so I still have about half a dozen VHS tapes and need the player for the odd occasion when I want to watch them. And I haven’t thrown the DVD player out either as it may come in handy if future plans for a garden pod ever come to fruition.
I’m not a total dinosaur and am aware that everything is steadily moving towards streaming and on demand - I am actually quite a regular user of BBC iPlayer - but the problem is that you can’t record those programmes so, if it’s taken off the player you can’t watch it again.
Hopefully I’ll be able to listen to music and watch films in the formats I prefer for many years to come. And if I can’t, I’ll have to hope I’m not too senile to understand whatever new-fangled technology is on offer by then!

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