Mothering Sundae

I am well aware that Mother’s Day and Mothering Sunday are different events. However, I could not resist the pun.

We went out this morning for brunch: the mothers, Grandma, Grandad, Granny and Grandpa and the wee man.

PWell not so wee. For someone who has just turned one he is substantial. Helped no doubt by his healthy appetite and great energy. He tucked into toasted tea cake and then enjoyed some of this ice-cream sundae at a nearby ice-cream emporium.

As a themed location it is all embracing. If you are ever there and get the chance, have a look at the gents’ loos!

We were told this was a two scoop sundae. Apart from the brain freeze it was delicious.

A day of waiting very patiently for an upgrade to an operating system over somewhat slow Wi-Fi - at one point the progress bar said 18 hours wait! No matter, as we were child minding again. He had slept very well overnight so was full of energy. One forgets the constant demands and attention required to look after very young children. But very rewarding with the smiles and giggles.

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