
By BoydMcAdam

Venus and Cupid

This statue has moved around a bit. Erected in 2005 it was originally designed for St George’s Quay in Lancaster ( where currently daffodils are in full bloom -see extra). Instead it was located at one end of the prom at Morcambe. When some of the tiles fell off through frost damage it was moved into the shopping centre in Morecambe for repair and the returned in 2019. Over a decade ago, the artist threatened to destroy it as the council was not prepared to maintain it. A trust was formed to look after it but judging by a notice, some more frost damage has occurred requiring action by the trust.

It is an impressive sight with the young child Cupid looking as if he is being swung out over the bay.

Before saying farewells to the family, a walk with the dog in Lancaster took me past some beautiful hellebores (see other extra) near the Priory.

In the morning I was back in shorts. It was sunny but fresh. By the time we were back in the Borders the temperate at 5.5oC was 13o cooler than yesterday. The long trousers went in as soon as we got home!

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