Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Mothering Sunday

Lie in this morning ……..

Feeling very loved by my children and grandchildren, showered with gifts and lovely cards (purchased and homemade) [also got a bottle of gin ….  mmmm.]

Hubby has started to look at all the collection of ….. who knows what … in the loft.  He found 5 suitcases!  One of these had possibly been there from when my mum lived with us (2009), still had some of her clothes in and our dad’s dressing gowns.  Managed to put the suitcase on the “Don’t dump it” page of FB, 4 being collected tomorrow!

Watched the final of the pottery throw down tonight - great result, well deserved.  The winner was. …….. well you will have to watch it (or look at the news/tabloids tomorrow for spoilers).


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