
By blowfish


The lunch line at Torchy's at 12:30 today was comically long--it made a Depression-era breadline look like no big whoop. I love me some Torchy's breakfast tacos (which you can get at all hours of the day), but waiting in line for that long for some tacos is not something I am ever interested in doing: we walked in, laughed, said "fuck this" and went around the corner to Paco & John's Mexican Diner, which rightfully won, perhaps, best hole-in-the-wall eatery recently. P & J's is certainly more authentic and the family run, non-hip vibe feels a lot more relaxed--they also have these super cold Mexican Cokes. Mexican Cokes still come in the original sized large glass bottles and use real cane sugar, instead of the much worse high fructose corn syrup of the American canned version. They are pretty common and easy to get here in Texas, but a little more difficult to obtain I think the more north you go. So, not that cane sugar is much better by any means, but it certainly is more "natural," a little less processed, at least I justify that to myself. I hardly drink soda at all, we don't buy it for the house or anything, but every time we go for Mexican food lately, they always seem like the perfect accompaniment.

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