This is my maxim in life regarding chocolates!  Whenever I open a box of chocolates -  and note, it is usually me who opens them - Mr. HCB is content to have just one or even two if I twist his arm, which isn’t often, believe me - because if I do, there are then less for me - but I usually have three or four or even five or sometimes even six or ten!  I’m sure you get my drift - and I do think it is a woman thing - although some may shoot me down for saying this.

I don’t think that men crave chocolates like women do and that’s good in our house!  However, I am going to take a box of chocolates up to the Friday ladies at our favourite charity shop, DEBRA, so that will be one less box for me to worry about. 

So today, in my usual way, why have just one dice, which is a cube, the theme of today’s Mono Monday, when you can have five?  I wasn’t really happy with the outcome of this and my eyes were playing up a bit, so I don’t think it is quite in focus - although I know the camera does most of the work - but hey, at least I am on theme, so please give me a break today.

Mr. HCB is busy beavering in the garden, doing what he tells me are “light jobs” and I am busy beavering with the housework - that is a complete and utter untruth - I am still in my pink robe at 11.59, the time of typing this, having had my shower well before 9 o’clock this morning and I have been reading.  Not sure I will get 6,000 steps in today, but I may go out this afternoon if it warms up a little.

Hope you all have a good week and remember BE KIND!  M xx 

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