Journey Through Time

By Sue

Common Whitetail Dragon

If this ID is wrong, please let me know. I saw this today and was happy to see this dragon in our yard.

I am using the excuse of recovering from my virus to read my Dan Brown book, Inferno. It's a page turner all right. I guess that's a good book to read this week, speaking of Inferno, as it's pretty warm outside. Not as hot as what my poor aunt and uncle in Las Vegas have to put up with for the next week, but hot enough for us, thank you. Oh, and I was outside sitting and reading when the hummingbird came to check me out, I guess. I could have reached right up and grabbed her, she was that close to me. Well, in theory, I could have....I doubt I really would have been that fast. But she was right in front of me, and I asked her, "what are you doing, you insane bird?" Then she left.

Just taking it easy. See ya later.

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